MISSÃO 100% PORTUGUÊS is back! Vera Kolodzig and João Paulo Rodrigues are challenged to live Portugal as never before. From December 5th, on the Saturday nights of RTP1, travel through the corners of the country for a ride by our presenters in this mission that unites them in the discovery of everything that is produced in Portugal.

With the 100% Portuguese Mission we are challenged to dive in the talent, products and national ideas with more utility and genius, of course! And to help us fulfill this challenge we count on the presenters: Vera Kolodzig and João Paulo Rodrigues, who will travel around the country and discover how they can live in a 100% Portuguese style.

For Vera Kolodzig, “the 100% Portuguese Mission programme was a great trip and one of the most enriching experiences I had, both professionally and personally! This project allowed me to get to know in depth our wonderful country, some unique places and highly inspiring people. I was confronted with some fears that I overcame, and others that I didn’t. I got to know sustainable projects and learned to appreciate even more what is done here. I hope the public’s trip is as good as ours!”.

No one has not inspected the origin of their bed mattress, the sauce that tempers their steaks, and the brush with which they brush their teeth. This year, more than ever, the bet on what is done here is the best medicine to get the national economy moving. That is why the Mission continues!

For João Paulo Rodrigues, “it was a privilege to travel from north to south of the country where I could know fantastic stories! I love to communicate and be with people and this was the space where I could do that and much more… It was an excellent opportunity to experience something different and live such an enriching experience. In fact, in this program, I did everything I love the most! The adventure, for doing something unusual every day, such as interviewing new people and also sharing this, with an incredible team, which became family. I can’t wait to make this precious asset known – what is done by us and by ours – to everyone at home!”

This will be a discovery for everyone and more, it will also be a competition! Vera and John Paul will receive missions that take them around the country as they reveal original products, award-winning ideas and charming places. Which one will do better at each weekly challenge? One thing is for sure, we will all be surprised!

From December 5th, at the beginning of Saturday nights on RTP1, join this mission where we will hitchhike the two presenters, through every corner of the country, discovering everything that is produced in the country that can and should proudly be everyone’s preference.

Mission: 100% Portuguese. A programme far above average!